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Day 15 - Your Best & Worst Assets

Writer's picture: Lindsay VeeLindsay Vee

This feels a lot like a job interview question. I can't say that my answers on here would be what I would say in that setting, but it's always a good exercise in self awareness to take inventory of what you bring to the table, both good and bad. Here are some of mine:


  1. My love language is acts of service. That means I will try to love you with what I can do for you. This has some issues of it's own, but I consider it one of my best assets because I will always try to find a way to serve the people around me.

  2. Because of number one, one of my other better assets is that I'm hyper aware of how the people around me might be feeling. I always have lots of thoughts like this: "I hope when I said ___________ that didn't make this person feel bad," or "They haven't said much in this group conversation, I don't want them to feel left out." In short, I try to be an includer. At least when I'm feeling confident in a situation where I can effectively step out and include someone into a group setting.

  3. If I see something that needs to be done, I will do my best to get it done. This could be for my immediate family or even a perfect stranger, I try to anticipate needs and then expect other people do the same thing.


  1. I'm a professional procrastinator. I have the unfortunate mindset of, "I'll take care of it tomorrow." That's not with everything of course, but definitely with certain categories of life. As a freelancer, I live and die on deadlines. I try to work ahead on things, but I generally don't make quality progress if I'm not sweating a few bullets. I don't like this about myself at all.

  2. I have a tone problem. As in, the tone of my voice as a great indicator of how I actually feel about what I'm saying and it's usually not so great. It comes out before I even know what's happening and I usually regret it immediately. James 3:5-6 always hits me super hard: "Likewise, the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole body, sets the whole course of one’s life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell."

  3. I can be really stubborn, and it's usually for no particular reason in hindsight.

  4. I asked Kennedy what my worst assets are and his response was: Your sneezes. So that had to make the list.

  5. I lack confidence almost always.

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